We are no stranger to the coronavirus health crisis, and it’s our concern to protect the local population, our customers, and our workers and collaborators. In order to make all of us responsible, we have adopted a series of prevention and containment measures for COVID-19 in our activity. The most relevant aspects can be found summarized below:
–Pre-appointment: any activity request must be made through telematic means and the formalization of a reservation implies the express acceptance of the service with the sanitary security measures and conditions adopted. So we show you before our contingency plan and ask you to sign a responsible statement.
–Security measures and individual protective equipment: we remember the measures adopted and the hygiene rules, and we explain the activity development before it start. We provide hydroalcoholic gel to the participants and, if the client doesn’t have his own, also a mask. Both the spaces and the equipment used, are cleaned and disinfected after each session and before attending the next group. As a general rule: the equipment cannot be shared, and we have to maintain a social distance of one and half meters (or use masks and gloves when isn’t possible).
–Small groups: we prioritize outdoor activities and avoid crowds. We always work with small groups: for outdoor activities twenty people for guide; and for indoor activities the capacity must guarantee two and a half square meters per person and a social distance of one and a half meters. This limitation of capacity can only be overcome if the group is part of the same confinement unit. The meetings, workshops, assemblies or simliars will be for a maximum of eighty people with registration of participants and security mask.
–Contingency Plan: we have prepared a contingency plan (in catalan) that makes an analysis of the activities that we offer you and allows us to determine what to do if we find a suspected case of infection. This plan also defines how to reorganize spaces and the processes of the activities to make them safer, and establishes how to clean and disinfect spaces and equipment step by step, and only with authorized products. Also explain what checkpoints records we do and present us the models of responsible declaration of costumers (in catalan), and of responsible declaration for suppliers/collaborators and external visits (in catalan).
All in all, we want to convey the confidence that visiting us you can feel safe: outdoor nature activities, workshops and meetings in safe and controlled environments, and staff prepared to answer your questions and needs.